
St SwithunWells Catholic Primary School

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At St Swithun Wells, R.E is a core subject and is the centre of life in our school and community. R.E teaching not only helps develop our children’s understanding and knowledge of Catholic faith and life, but also underpins the values of our school community. Through their R.E. learning, children are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world. R.E is taught weekly and is delivered for two hours in KS1 and two and a half hours in KS2. As guided by the Portsmouth Diocese, our school uses the ‘God Matters’ scheme as the basis for R.E teaching throughout the school. This consists of ten themes throughout the year, guided by the Church's calendar.

These are:

•           Creation

•           Prayers, Saints and Feasts

•           Advent

•           Christmas

•           Revelation

•           Lent

•           Holy Week

•           Easter

•           Pentecost and Mission

•           Sacraments


Each topic explores Scripture, our response to its teachings, and Church tradition.

In RE lessons we aim to guide all children in:

- their knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith and life;

- their knowledge and understanding of the response of faith to the ultimate questions about human life, its origin and purpose;

- the skills required to examine and reflect upon religious belief and practice.

Catholic Social Teaching

Years 3 and 4 visited Chandler’s Ford Care Home as part of their RE learning, specifically Catholic Social Teaching, in which the two classes have focused on the values of human dignity and solidarity. The children met the residents, sang them some Christmas carols and give them some Christmas cards they had made especially for them.
