
St SwithunWells Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Life of the School

Sharing the joy of Christmas with our local and parish communities

Making Christmas cards for children in Bamenda with parishioners.

Celebration of the Word in Advent

Mass for Young Vincentians

Remembrance Celebration of the Word


Our Christmas Jumper Swap to help us to live more sustainably.

We collected food for Eastleigh Basics Bank for our Harvest Celebration.

Mass of thanksgiving for a new school year.

Meeting the Apostolic Nuncio at St John's Cathedral

Social Justice Conference

Our Year 6 Social Justice Team attended a Primary Social Justice Conference.

They are leading a project to engage more fully with the oldest members of our local community.

They will be leading visits to care homes and parish groups and inviting people into school for events.

Vision and Values Day

We have explored our mission statement and looked at ways we can live out our mission in school and in our local community

Visitation By Bishop Phillip

Bishop Philip recently visited our school. We prayed with him and he visited our classrooms to see what we were learning
