Dear Parents
Friday 3rd July - INSET Day
School will be closed for children on the INSET day other than for those children whose parents are critical in tackling the coronavirus and who cannot be kept safe at home. Parents must email the Office if they need to send their child/ren to school on Friday 3rd July. If you are working from home or at home we would ask that the children stay with you. This is a really important day for staff to meet and prepare for next year which will be impossible for us to do if we have high numbers in school.
Friday 10th and Friday 17th July - school is only open for children of critical workers who cannot be kept safe at home. Parents need to email the Office if they need to send their child/ren to school on these days.
With best wishes
Miss Clark
Ursula Clark
St Swithun Wells Catholic Primary School
Hillcrest Avenue
Chandlers Ford
So53 2JP