Prayer is an integral part of school life. In school we pray in lots of different ways:
- During the week pupils from all year groups gather together in liturgical prayer.
- Prayer at regular intervals throughout the day e.g. for morning offering or grace before meals.
- There are regular circle times and prayer services in classrooms.
- Each classroom has a dedicated prayer table area which includes words from Scripture, Liturgical images, artefacts and prayers.
- Time and opportunities are given for personal prayer.
- Lunchtime prayer groups are held for pupils e.g. Rosary group
- Throughout the year, our Priest leads prayer and liturgy sessions in our school.
- We use our Prayer Garden so we feel close to nature with God.
- All children have opportunities to lead prayers, readings and singing.
We work hard to include families in the prayer life of our school by encouraging them to attend assemblies and prayer services throughout the year.
We have prayer stations around school which reflect the liturgical seasons. The children access them during break times and spend a quiet moment reflecting, writing their own prayers or saying prayers from our school Prayer Booklet.
We sit in our Prayer and Reflection Garden to pray and have some quiet time.
In May, we bring flowers to Mary.