
St SwithunWells Catholic Primary School

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Year 3 - Deer

Welcome to Year 3! 


Mr Sabatini



A letter outlining the homework for each week will be uploaded onto the class page and shared with the children.


Homework is set on a Wednesday and should be completed by the following Monday.

Our Spelling tests are on a Monday. 

Maths homework is set on My Maths and the children can also practise times tables using TT rockstars.  There will be a times tables test on a Monday.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar homework may also be set on 



There is a PE lesson on Tuesday. The children should bring their PE kit and get changed in class. There is a second PE lesson on a Friday. Please make sure that your child wears their P.E. kit into school every Friday and, if at all possible, no earrings please. 



During the Spring term, we will visit Butser farm where we will learn about Stone Age Britain. A second trip will take place in Summer term when the children will visit Fishbourne Roman Palace to learn about Roman life in Britain. More information about these trips will be given nearer the time. 


Thank you for your continued support.
