
St SwithunWells Catholic Primary School

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  • Inset day and following Fridays.

    Thu 25 Jun 2020 Miss Clark
    Dear Parents
    Friday 3rd July - INSET Day 
    School will be closed for children on the INSET day other than for those children whose parents are critical in tackling the coronavirus and who cannot be kept safe at home. Parents must email the Office if they need to send their child/ren to school on Friday 3rd July. If you are working from home or at home we would ask that the children stay with you. This is a really important day for staff to meet and prepare for next year which will be impossible for us to do if we have high numbers in school.
    Friday 10th and Friday 17th July - school is only open for children of critical workers who cannot be kept safe at home. Parents need to email the Office if they need to send their child/ren to school on these days.
    With best wishes

    Miss Clark

    Ursula Clark
    St Swithun Wells Catholic Primary School
    Hillcrest Avenue
    Chandlers Ford
    So53 2JP
  • Miss Clark's Cycling Challenge

    Tue 23 Jun 2020 Miss Clark

    Dear Parents

    You may have noticed, from last week's newsletter, I am doing a 25 mile bike ride from Salisbury to School on Monday 20th July, with the aim of raising money to pay for an emotional and mental health well-being day for the children during the Autumn Term! What do I get myself in to!

    This is my last chance to pay tribute to our wonderful children and show that  we can achieve anything we put our minds to! Over the last 3 months I have been so impressed and humbled by our families and staffs' efforts to support our children so I'm hoping my challenge will raise sufficient funds to pay for a day in school to support children's emotional well-being.

    If you would like to make a donation please do so via the link below:

    The money will go to the PTFA who will then pass it onto the school.

    Best wishes

    Miss Clark

    Head teacher

  • Friday 3rd July

    Fri 12 Jun 2020

     Friday 3rd July


    School will be closed for our final Staff Training Day of the school year.

  • Amendments to the end of the day

    Fri 12 Jun 2020


    Thank you for "following the rules" for drop off in the morning and collection at the end of the day. Even when the heaven's have opened, we've managed to get the children home quickly and safely!

    Drop off times in the morning will remain as I have outlined in previous emails. If however, you arrive early and there is no queue, please bring your child/ren to the gate.

    At the end of the day, we are managing to get the children home more swiftly than we had anticipated and therefore are making the following changes from Monday:

    3.10pm  - Early Years and their siblings

    3.15pm  - Year 1 and their siblings

    3.25pm  - Remaining Key Worker

    3.30pm - Remaining Year 6

    Friday 3rd July - School will be closed for Staff Training. This is our final INSET day of the school year and we have been informed that schools should continue to use their INSET days.

    Best wishes

    Miss Clark

  • Remainder of the School Year

    Wed 10 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents,

    I can only express my disappointment with the news that was announced yesterday from the Government about the difficulties of more children coming back to school before September, especially for those children in years 2-5. Firstly, I know what a fantastic job every parent has done in juggling supporting your child/ren's well-being and school work whilst continuing to work at home, often in very challenging circumstances. You have been incredible and you should be so proud of what you have done. The children who have come back to school are confident, independent and relaxed - I'm sure they represent many of those who haven't come back in and it is because of the wonderful job you all have done.

    I know over the last few weeks, some of the decisions we have taken haven't been perfect and we don't always get it right. Parents have been placed in a very difficult position over the last 10 weeks - not everything will have gone perfectly, but by doing your best you have supported the children when they needed you most.

    Since half term, we have welcomed back into school EY and Year 1 and today Year 6 children plus key workers from years 2-5.  We have 11 Bubble groups across the school which gives us the capacity for 165 children. We currently have 117 children in school meaning we have room for about another 50 children in school! When we were asked to plan for the return of children in EY, year 1 and 6, all children in these year groups were allocated a space - but none of these Bubbles are full to capacity. The outcome of this, is that it has reduced our capacity to open Bubbles for children in Years 2-5 beyond the key worker groups because all our rooms and available adults are teaching throughout the day. It also means teachers have no time to continue with ZOOM calls and direct contact with families. Therefore, gaps in these Bubbles is frustrating!

    I know from the survey some parents said they would not be sending their child/ren back to school until September and others are keeping their options open and may or may not send them back in. I am also aware that some key worker families have made regular use of the school over the entire 10 weeks of lockdown.

    I am extremely concerned about the children in years 2-5 who are not able to come into school at the moment and am actively looking at how we can accommodate them before the end of term, and therefore I am asking for the following support from our families.

    1. If your child/ren are in EY, Year 1 or Year 6 and you have made the decision for them not to come to school before September, please let us know.

    2. If you are planning for your child/ren to come back to school and they are in EY, Year 1 or Year 6, please let us know the date they will be returning - this date needs to be fixed and it will mean they are back in school full time.

    3. If you are a key worker, especially if your child/ren have been in school throughout the lockdown, would you consider keeping your children at home for a couple of days each week, so that we could let some children who have not been in school come in, instead. Please do let us know.

    4. If your child/ren is in years 2-5 and you are not a key worker but would like them to come back to school, please let us know.

    As a community, we have always pulled together during times of difficulties and I would really appreciate it, if we can work together to support some of the children who are at home at the moment and need some experience of school before the holidays.

    Best wishes

    Miss Clark

    Head teacher

  • Return to School

    Tue 02 Jun 2020 U Clark

    Dear Parents,

    I hope you had a good half term.

    This week, children have begun returning to school – thank you for your support in staggering the start dates.

    From Monday 8th June, once your child/ren returns to school we expect them to be every day at the time slots outlined below; having children in on odd days during the week is preventing teachers from teaching the children and causing further disruption to learning. We will continue to add work to the class pages on the website for those children who are unable to return to school and the expectation is that it will be completed. Please email work to teachers to show what has been completed - a scanned copy or photo is fine.

    Therefore we are inviting children back to school in the following way;

    Monday 1st June – Key Worker children only in any year group;

    Wednesday 3rd June  Children in Year R whose parents are not key workers

    Monday 8th June – Children in Year 1 whose parents are not key workers

     Wednesday 10th June Children in Year 6 whose parents are not key workers.


    I also need to explain to parents that we can only offer a return to school for all the identified groups,  if all staff are available to be in school. If staff are unable to be in school due to illness, we will continue to provide care for key worker children but it may mean that we cannot accommodate non-key worker children and Bubble groups will be suspended starting with year 6.


    Drop off and Collection

    At the beginning and end of each day there will be a staggered drop off and pick up. The times listed below must be strictly adhered by all families, so that we can support social distancing and efficient hand washing.

    Drop Off

    8.30 am  -Surnames A- C

    8.40am Surnames D-G

    8.50am Surnames  H-M

    9am Surnames N- S

    9.10am Surnames T-W

    At 9.30am Any EY child who may need a little more support coming into school


    3pm EYFS Bubbles + their  siblings


    3.15pm Year 1 Bubbles + their siblings


    3.30pm Yrs 2 -5 Key Workers Bubbles + Y6 siblings


    3.45pm Remaining Yr6



    Only one parent can attend school and as far as possible other family members should stay at home.

    On Arrival

    1. Parents must accompany their child to the arch gate and remain with them until their temperature has been taken.
    2. Parents and children line up along the fence adjacent to the field, respecting social distancing.
    3. Using the Arch Gate, parents and children come on to the site, and wait in line for the child/ren’s temperature to be taken.
    4. If the child has no temperature they will be sent to their Bubble Class (School staff will be available on the playground to help children).
    5. If the child does have a temperature or other symptoms,  they and their siblings will be asked to go home.
    6. Parents leave the site via the double parking gates. We would advise parents to return to their cars avoiding contact with other families; this could include crossing the road.
    7. As children get to the classroom there will be an opportunity for hand washing/sanitizing.
    8. If siblings have different surnames parents should arrive at the earlier time slot

    At the end of the day

    1. Parents should follow the same queuing procedure and route as drop off.
    2. Children will be waiting on the playground for their parents to collect at the allocated time.
    3. Older siblings will be brought out onto the playground so that there can be a swift departure from the school site.
    4. Parents must collect at the time allocated to their youngest child and we will not be able to change these times.


    Access to School and the Staff

    Unfortunately, there will be no opportunity for parents to speak to staff on adhoc basis. Any messages for teachers must be emailed to the School Office and they will be passed on to the relevant member of staff.

    If you need to come to school at a different time than listed above, parents are asked to phone the school on arrival and wait at the Arch Gate for further instructions as no parent can access the building.


    Preparing your child to return to school

    On returning to school, children will be split into one of 11 Bubble groups of no more than 15 children in each group. Some of the Bubble groups will be mixed-aged groups. This means that all classrooms including the Music and Art Rooms will be used and children will not necessarily be with their class teacher. The children will be completing more structured tasks, which will also be put on the website for home learning.

    Children must wear their school uniform, although trainers will be allowed because we cannot change for PE. They should bring a coat in case of rain.

    The children MUST bring the following items to school;

    Must be taken home everyday

    Water bottle – the water fountain cannot be used

    Lunch box - if they are not having a school meal

    Snack – for all children

    Small packet of tissues

    Waterproof coat or jacket

    Reading book including reading scheme books


    To be left in school

    Pencil case with pens/pencils/sharpner/rubber/coloured pencils – not to be shared


    Children are not allowed to bring:

    • A large rucksack,
    • Balls,
    • Mobile phone,
    • Hand sanitizer or hand cream,
    • Any toy from home

    A skipping rope or yoyo can be brought to school by children in years 1-6, but cannot be shared.

    Lockers and coat pegs will not be accessible; children will need to hang coats on the back of their chair and have their belongings next to them on the table.

    Lunch and Snacks

    The kitchen are operating a picnic menu, which continues to be free for any child in Early Years and KS1 and can be ordered and paid for by children in KS2. We will be operating a cashless system so all payments must be made through our online payment service.

    There will be no Tuck Shop or Infant fruit or milk so children should bring a fruit snack with them.


    1. Before any medication is brought into school, parents should sanitize the boxes or containers and tie it into a plastic bag.
    2. On arrival, there will be a box for parents to deposit epipens and asthma inhalers which will be brought into the office.
    3. If your child requires any other medication then parents are asked to phone the Office to discuss what is needed and how this can be safely deposited  and administered at the school. However, we are only prepared to consider administrating prescribed medication.


    Best wishes

    Miss Clark
