Welcome to Year 2
Foxes Class
Mrs Eyers
LSA: Mrs Laws
Please come to school with your named water bottle, your reading book and reading record in a small-medium sized bag. You do not need to bring a pencil case to school as we will have resources in the classroom. Please make sure that you bring a waterproof to school if there is a chance of rain!
Our P.E. days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and you need to come to school wearing your P.E. kit. Your P.E kit should include: white t-shirt, black joggers or shorts, trainers and a hoodie or jumper. Hair that can get in the way should be tied up and no earrings or jewellery should be worn please.
Homework will be set on Wednesdays.
If your child brings home a colour band book these will be changed every Thursday as well.
Homework will include Reading (documented in your reading record), Maths (task to complete on MyMaths) and Spelling practice.
Please ensure your homework is completed by Monday.
On Thursdays, we will have the opportunity to visit our school library to exchange our reading books and find new and exciting things to read! Please make sure your books are well-read at home and are in school each day to enjoy in school.
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