Welcome to Year 6 - Otters Class!
Class Teacher: Miss Joy
LSAs and class adults: Mrs Ritchie Father Matteo
Welcome to our Year Six class page - we are Otters Class.
Our PE days are currently Monday and Friday.
For the Monday session, the children will need to arrive in school uniform and bring their PE kit to get changed into later in the afternoon.
On Fridays, the children will need to come in already dressed in their PE kit and will wear it all day.
PE kit
Navy shorts or joggers.
White or blue t-shirt.
Plimsols or trainers.
Dark coloured plain tracksuit can be worn during cold weather.
Long hair must be tied back and jewellery must be removed.
Our music lesson will take place on a Friday afternoon.
Homework will be set on a Wednesday and due in the following Monday.
Homework will be online learning and will include:
Reading daily (aim for 5-20 minutes each day) Remember you can log into SORA to access a wide range of exciting e-books and audiobooks.
Maths tasks to complete on MyMaths and daily Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) practice.
Spelling or grammar tasks to complete SPAG.com. Spellings to learn will also be sent home with the children on Wednesdays and tested the following Monday.
Please ensure your homework is completed by Monday.