Dear Parents
I hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Over the course of this next week we will be updating parents and carers about the plans to reopen the school in June. Under the Our Parent tab of the website is a new folder called Plans for the Reopening of the School, where I will be adding information, protocols, plans and guidance about how we will manage this. Only live and current updates will be added so please do check for information here.
Guidance is changing daily and I am aware that often plans raise more questions than they answer - please do email me any questions you may have or where you are seeking further clarification. I am planning on adding a full update of our plans on Thursday 21st May after I have spoken to Governors and Staff.
It is important to explain that it most likely that the identified year groups (ie Hedgehogs, Ladybirds and Year 6 classes) will start coming back into school DURING the week beginning the 1st June and not necessarily on 1st June. This is because school is going to be different with different rules, expectations and ways of working and we want to ensure we can give as much support as possible on the day each group starts.
I am aware that we are also likely to see an increase in Key Worker children coming back into school. Next week we will be in contact again to identify which children will be returning to school in the near future.
The Government have not requested schools are open over the May half term and with schools now beginning to plan for reopening and the need for all our staff to support this, along with very low demand, school WILL NOT be open during the May half term.
With all good wishes
Miss Clark
Head teacher