
St SwithunWells Catholic Primary School

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Happy" Sing-a-long!

We are sending emails from the website - please look out for and check spam for emails from the school which will have the email address as ..primarysite.


I hope you are enjoying the YouTube posts - this week we've set you a challenge: Please send us a short video of the children and yourself singing and dancing to Pharrell Williams "Happy" - we will then create a video to share!

We know this is a difficult time for everyone, but can see the children are trying really hard and you are all doing a great job supporting them. We are working on ways to stay connected - teachers when they are in school will phone you, Years 5 and 6 are having Zoom meetings with the children in their class and we are planning on extending this to other year groups. This is a massive learning curve for everyone but we will continue to do our best to support you

Best wishes

Miss Clark

Head teacher
